Sada-e-Watan Sydney ™

Dr Akbar Khan

Dr G A Khan announced Eleven thousands Australian dollars Donation for Indus Hospital

3 Nov 2019,

Salam Dr Sayeed,
Please accept humble amount of $ 11ooo, dollars from my side. Out of this amount $ 1000,00 for table of 10 (Indus Fundraising dinner in Sydney on Sat, 16 Nov 2019.Shuld l put together in Indus account or some other way. Please advice. Thanks.
G A Khan


On behalf of Indus hospital and all Pakistani people I thank you for your generosity and big heart.
Dr Akbar Khan Sahib you have a big and generous heart. So humbled. Keep the great work going.
Dr Sahib Please deposit whole amount in Indus Hospital Acc with your convenience.
Bohot shukryia.


Dr Akbar Khan Sahib you have a big and generous heart. So humbled. Keep the great work going.
Thanks for your generous contribution.

Indus Hospital account details;
Friends of Indus Hospital Australia
BSB 062-000
ACCOUNT NO 17215717


Dear Dr Akbar Khan, what a generous gesture for an equally excellent cause. You truly are a leader of Pakistani community in Sydney. Thank you so much. Much appreciated.
Imran Kassam


Allah o Akbar
Faisal Shamsi

Great continuation from Dr Ghulam Akbar Khan.

Other Big Name Doctors should follow the footsteps of Dr G A Khan.

Zafar Hussain


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